fly me to sinatra
Out on december 6 Greta Panettieri's 9th album dedicated to a Another icon who has marked the history of music between jazz and pop: Frank Sinatra. Characteristic of the new arrangements is the search for contemporaneity within an album with more classical colors and sounds, with a personal interpretation.

into my garden
Seven original songs plus one Bob Dylan song I believe in You. All songs, music and lyrics, are singed by Greta and her partner and producer Andrea Sammartino, and they would like to be taken as a tool to untie some of the knots of this contrasting and difficult reality we've been facing.

NO more
Out on October 30th "No More" the single that anticipates the new album by Greta Panettieri "Into My Garden". Written jointly with Andrea Sammartino (pianist and producer). No More a blues contemporary and blues that expresses disappointment towards wars and nefarious environmental policies.



"Shattered/Sgretolata" is a 360 degree picture of Greta Panettieri's eclectic musical persona and her virtuoso artistic journey; a unique journey that cannot be defined by genre or style.
Aivalable here for only € 7.99

c'est irreparable
The original version of "Un anno d'amore" (A Year of Love) written by French-Italian singer Nino Ferrer entitled "C'est irreparable" made famous by Dalida, a charming french singer in many ways similar to the character of Mina.
Aivalable here for only € 0.99

non gioco piu'
Non Gioco Più’ is a record that brings together two different worlds: the smoky and tumultuous world of Jazz and the comfortable soothing world of the Italian 60's with its songs and famous saturday night shows that used to bring together family and friends.
Aivalable here for only € 7.99

under control
Greta's Bakery new album "Under Control" is an album full of different influences and vibes, from jazz to funk with a touch of pop and soul music. Coming from jazz singer/composer Greta Panettieri and pianist/composer/producer Andrea Sammartino have written every song with the idea of making an interesting but suitable for all record.
Aivalable here for only € 7.99
Brazilian Nights Live at ZincBar
This album is a comp of three magical shows that took place at ZincBar in the core of NYC West Village.
Aivalable here for only € 7.99

The edge of everything
On their self-titled first album, the multitalented, multicultural New York-based trio known as Greta’s Bakery draw upon their diverse backgrounds and common creative chemistry to deliver a remarkably accomplished, consistently intoxicating debut.
Aivalable here for only € 7.99